Information for Students

Imhotep’s Legacy Academy’s (ILA) is hosting the FIRST VIRTUAL Young, Gifted & Black Science Fair (YGBSF). This Science Fair is designed to get students of African descent excited about science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

  • Each student must register in their corresponding grade category.
  • The projects must be done individually.
  • All YGBSF projects will be judged, and ILA will give prizes to the top three students.
  • All YGBSF projects will go to the Canadian Black Scientists Network (CBSN) national competition (Phase 1).
  • The projects for YGBSF and CBSN competitions will be at the conceptual level (ideas).
  • The top three projects from Phase 1 will go to CBSN Phase 2.
  • For Phase 2, these students will be required to build or create their projects.
  • ILA will pay for the registration fees and the cost of materials required for any YGBSF projects that win in Phase 1.
  • ILA will also help to arrange STEM mentors for these students.
  • The top three from CBSN (Phase 2) science fair will go to the Canada Wide Science Fair (CWSF).
  • Junior – Grades 7-8
  • Intermediate – Grades 9-10
  • Senior – Grades 11-12
REGISTER Registration deadline
PRACTICE Practice Science Fair
PRESENT LOCALLY Young, Gifted & Black Science Fair (YGBSF)
COMPETE REGIONALLY-1 Canadian Black Scientists Network (CBSN) national competition (Phase 1)
COMPETE REGIONALLY-2 Canadian Black Scientists Network (CBSN) national competition (Phase 2)
COMPETE NATIONALLY Canada-wide Science Fair (CWSF)

ILA will give prizes to the top three (3) students from the YGB Science Fair in Nova Scotia:

  • 1st Prize – $125 value
  • 2nd Prize – $100 value
  • 3rd Prize – $75 value
1.  Register to be a contestant using the Young, Gifted & Black Science Fair (YGBSF) Registration Form.
2.  Brainstorm to help you come up with a project idea
3.  Read the safety information for different STEM projects –Youth Science Canada Safety policies
4.  Get information about doing ethical STEM work when working with humans or animals

  • a.  Get approval for your project from your mentor and/or the YGBSF
  • b.  If your idea involves people, either in low risk or high risk participation, before beginning, you must prepare a letter of information for your participants (e.g. Teacher, parent, guardian, mentor or anyone supporting you with your idea.)
  • c.  If your idea involves animals, either invertebrate or vertebrate, before beginning any animal testing you must prepare a plan using this template:
  • d.  Make sure you’re following all the ethics policies –Youth Science Canada Ethics policies
5.  Create an account on mySTEMspace. See the video here: How to create an account on mySTEMspace.  Go to webpage:
6.  Create your project on ProjectBoard. Video here: How to create your project on ProjectBoard.  Go to webpage:
7.  Register for the Canadian Black Scientists Network (CBSN) national competition - Video guide: How to register for a regional STEM fair.  Go to webpage:

For answers to any questions, please contact ILA’s Project Engineer, Ms. Nikita Wambyakaley by phone (902-494-2400) or by email (